Christopher Gaumer
Me You Time Travel
In school I raised my hand
and heard a dead man’s voice.
The bell rang.
That night, I woke
to lightning. Which dropped a city flat.
I became the color of iron.
December November Halloween.
Along a stream without fish,
lay a body full of crows.
The body was love reduced to god
metaphors. The flesh picked apart.
Seven days of rain.
The body wanted circles,
So I tossed Missouri stones.
The water dipped, peaked, flattened.
I called a girl to come out
for very good reasons I said.
She made the trip, packed lunch.
We took the what’s left part
of the body and buried it.
We promised to see each other
for good reasons. That night, her wipers
smeared rain across the windshield.
December. January. February.