
A Journal

"I'm going to come back to West Virginia when this is over. There's something ancient and deeply-rooted in my soul. I like to think that I have left my ghost up one of those hollows, and I'll never really be able to leave for good until I find it. And I don't want to look for it, because I might find it and have to leave".----Breece D'J Pancake, in a letter to his mother. 


Ajise Vincent



i was raised in a dispensation when we, blacks,

reeked of smoke, dust & other asininities,

swirling in cycles around the patrimony of the west.

then, we were puns obliged to mold pyramids

and castles from the desultoriness of the air at the

behest of moguls who marshaled the mantle of god 

in cyrenaic and esurient order. then, freedom was said

to be found in the warmth of fear, in the current of blood,

flowing down the broken tissues of men. but what is freedom

if found decaying with the corpse of dreams chained to the 

grave of death. what is freedom if it dies with the light of day,

by the herald owls? what is freedom if devoid of the erraticism 

& courage of madmen? tell me.


My favorite Souvenir is a love letter written by my dad to my mum. It begins with a subtle instinct, a glimpse of something pure, and a craving for recognition, as though it had a soul-bewitching face or a wand that could perform some sort of magic. My father had fallen hard, emotion took hold of him, as he lingered, fizzing with hope . From fascination to acquisitiveness, the feeling deepened, became tainted with a kind of benign lust, next a sense of indirection, and finally a stubborn greed for possession


Ajise Vincent is a Nigerian Poet, Economist and Social researcher based in Lagos, Nigeria. His works have appeared & are forthcoming at Jawline Review, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Snapdragon: A journal of art & healing, Jalada, Yellow Chair Review, Sentinel Quarterly, Eureka & various literary outlets. He loves coffee, blondes & turtles.